Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mono-culture and why we can't find one stinkin' thug

Despite what some neonderthals may parrot on the fake news network, the reason why we (the U.S.) haven't caught Bin Laden or stopped them is simple.

1. We have a mono-culture that pervades the spook community. 'Tokens' are few and far between.

2. The braniacs (Ph. Ds) will spend 2-3 minutes debating some trivial fact that a 'token' has already provided the answer to.

3. The top (and I mean the very top) never admits they're wrong.

4. Country-club/yacht types are still promoted within the Navy because they managed to spend tons of money on business systems.

5. When tokens start to solve problems, the braniacs and country club types panic and send in vendors who are renowned for vapor products.

Meanwhile our Army is bearing the brunt of the hubris and our sons, daughters, moms, dads, cousins, etc are dying or coming home maimed for life.