Monday, September 11, 2006

It's time to fire them

Tonight Pres. Bush addressed the nation. The question that was on my mind and I'm pretty sure everyone else's is "Why haven't we caught Bin Laden?"

For five years the administration and the Republican's have had almost carte blanche to pass laws, install justices, plan and implement their response. Five years, BushCo has had to strengthen our ports and infrastructure. Five years BushCo has had to find and bring all those terrorists to justice. So what do we have to show for it?

1. A resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan that is using the methods invented by the Iraqi insurgents (improvised explosives anyone).
2. A Pakistan "ally" that recently signed an agreement ceding the northern territory to the Taliban.
3. Bin Laden is still releasing videos mocking us and strengthening his stature amongst the enemy.

So how does BushCo respond to all these facts? Instead of inspiring us with our victories (which from BushCo's own talking heads number 5), BushCo trots out the same fear-mongering uncertainty and doubt - FMUD. Instead of saying "Imagine a world without Middle Eastern terrorists and their dictators". BushCo warns of a "Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons"

So where is the accountability? Where's the plan to win? Where's the plan to rebuild Iraq into a strong democracy? What action is being taken to stop Iran? To say nothing about North Korea, and China's recent attack on our networks.

We need to PLAN and IMPLEMENT a Marshall-style Plan to build Afghanistan and Iraq into a strong democracy and economy. In order to do that, we need more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not the 50% of the troops that Rumsfeld sent over the objections of real soldiers - yes he cut their numbers in half. We need to let the real generals make the decisions about how to win in Iraq - after all the Army is about people. The Navy is just about ships - glorified bus drivers. We need to publicize the progress of that plan with real facts and figures, we don't need vague 'things are getting better' or 'mission accomplished' blustering.

We need to strong arm Pakistan into pushing the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Pakistan. This requires another plan - to make it painful to do business with the Taliban/Al Qaeda. We need to make it more 'profitable' for the Pakistani citizens and government to do 'business' with us.

We need to stop accepting the lies that the Iranians are telling the world about their nuke program. The third fundamental Shiite law is called taqiyya which means to lie, kill or do anything to promote the Shiite cause. So if we know they're lying, why bother with the UN and diplomacy?

BushCo have no clue how to win the real war. Which is what people should have realized they should expect from below average idealogues and talking point parrots. They haven't delivered after 5 years. That is why we need to fire them, all of them come November.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More on mono-culture and why it hurts us...

Think about this, all our guys who are tasked with finding the terrorists are 95% white, christians, male, and probably conservative.
Meanwhile our enemy is pakistani, afghani, british, sudanese, persian, lebanese, german, indonesian, croatian, etc, etc.

Our side follows a chain of command. Our guys have to follow whatever the top dictates.
Their side has only a symbolic leader. The various cells operate independently with probably only minimal communication or pre-arranged signals.

Our side has to deal with the beltway & giant corporate bandits who see tons of money to be made. The biz may talk about the 'war on terror' and plant flags behind their logos, but at the end of the day, the shareholders take precedence, not the fight.
Their side simply has tons of money made from selling oil to us, which is then passed along to the various cells or raised independently.

So how on earth are we supposed to win with a crappy situation like this?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mono-culture and why we can't find one stinkin' thug

Despite what some neonderthals may parrot on the fake news network, the reason why we (the U.S.) haven't caught Bin Laden or stopped them is simple.

1. We have a mono-culture that pervades the spook community. 'Tokens' are few and far between.

2. The braniacs (Ph. Ds) will spend 2-3 minutes debating some trivial fact that a 'token' has already provided the answer to.

3. The top (and I mean the very top) never admits they're wrong.

4. Country-club/yacht types are still promoted within the Navy because they managed to spend tons of money on business systems.

5. When tokens start to solve problems, the braniacs and country club types panic and send in vendors who are renowned for vapor products.

Meanwhile our Army is bearing the brunt of the hubris and our sons, daughters, moms, dads, cousins, etc are dying or coming home maimed for life.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

How to dismantle the constitution in 10 easy steps

Step 1: Start spying on every American, and say it's legal.
NSA Killed system that sifted phone data legally

Conveniently kills Amendment IV of the constitution...

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.